Victoria S. Hardy

Victoria S. Hardy

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Aliens, Serpents and UFOs, Oh My!

Happy Chinese New Year. Isn’t it interesting that the Chinese named their years after animals that live in reality, snakes, pigs, dogs and oxen and yet there is the dragon shoved in there, does that mean that dragon’s actually existed when the Chinese named the zodiac? There is so much speculation on the Internet about the Anunnaki, supposedly the Serpent in the Garden of Eden and rumored to be an alien race that genetically engineered us to be slaves.

I wrote an article entitled “Serpents, Iraq and UFOs” (article) which has received a lot of attention, based on the speculation about the Anunnaki. The word Anunnaki comes from the Sumerian tablets discovered in 1850 and tells a different view of the creation of man. It is said that the Anunnaki were an advanced alien race that cruised the Universe seeking minerals and disrupting societies and approximately 400,000 years ago they landed on our planet. Some explain this as the reason that we have never been able to discover the missing link between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens, because our DNA was fused with theirs and we jumped the evolutionary scale. The story has it that the Anunnaki came here to rape our planet of it’s natural resources, found the work too difficult, and created us to perform the heavy lifting.

Of course, mainstream beliefs say that this is merely a myth, ponderings of an ancient people about how they may have been created. Now when I first heard this idea, I pretty much dismissed it as being ridiculous, but what I have discovered is that this idea keeps raising it’s head in a myriad of different places. I know that all things are connected and I also know that large parts of our history have been hidden from us, so when I see this idea again and again, I have to say, hmm.

There was a passage in the Gospel of Thomas that had had me scratching my head until I opened myself to a different theory of creation. Jesus said, "Adam came from great power and great wealth, but he was not worthy of you. For had he been worthy, [he would] not [have tasted] death." #85 And in the Gospel of Phillip it is said, “The powers wanted to deceive man, since they saw that he had kinship with those that are truly good. They took the name of those that are good and gave it to those who are not good, so that through the names they might deceive him and bind them to those that are not good. And afterward, if they do them a favor, they will be made to remove them from those that are not good and place them among those that are good. These things they knew, for they wanted to take the free man and make him a slave to them forever.”

Interesting ideas, and no wonder these thoughts did not show up in the Bible we were given as the rules of life. I am beginning to understand that we have lived under some heavy illusions, some call it programming, others just state it’s part of the duality that makes our world go round. My point is, I have felt this sense of wrongness in our belief systems, how Biblical ideas are pushed at us, while at the same time the opposite is also be shoved at us, example, Thou shall not kill, unless of course our government deems it necessary and then we must kill in the cruelest of fashions. We are told we should fear no evil, and yet that fear is pushed at us daily in various media forms and mindsets. We are told not to steal or commit adultery, yet we can steal if our lawyers figure out how to make it legal and Donald Trump is a fine example of how we hold adulterers in high regard. There is a disconnect between what is said and what is done.

So I believe it becomes important to question the obvious, to not just accepts things because they have always been done that way, but to find in us what feels right. I have felt the sense that our words have been manipulated and altered and I have studied the roots and bases of the words, because our words and the images they produce are important. It is time we question what we are told, big changes are coming and it is vitally important that we make well-informed decisions.

If the emails I have received are true, it will not be long before contact will occur with alien cultures, but the illusions and manipulations of who is good and who is not good are going to be thick, we must tread carefully and trust our instincts. Many things will be appearing on the news, many illusions set forth on the earth, we must make our own decisions and not look to what we believe are our leaders to guide us. Don’t just accept the ideas that will soon be unleashed, study, dig and seek, the truth will set us free, rise above the fear.

Love and Hope

Friday, February 09, 2007

Dreams and Stuff

I’ve always been a vivid dreamer, full color experiences that sometimes seem more real than waking and I can remember the dreams I’ve had reaching far into my childhood. As a kid I wondered a lot about dreams, which world was real, the sleeping one or the waking one? And how could the sleeping one bloom into the waking one sometimes? How could dreams that we have no control over manifest right in front of our eyes in the cold light of day? It happens sometimes, not often enough to plan on, but occasionally I feel like Alice in Wonderland falling through the mirror.

Dreams are difficult to decipher, there are plenty of dream dictionaries available, but they are really just a measure of archetypal standards and need a lot of personal interpretation. Things that are frightening to some, are not to others, thus the interpretation becomes quite individual. I often dream of turtles, typically relaxing and refreshing encounters, occasionally through, the turtle in the dream will turn on me and bite me. I have now learned to pay attention in my waking life when that happens and try to see around the corners to what may be coming or a mistake I am making.

I mention dreams because I have been having several interlaced recurring dreams for a while and I thought I should share. The first set of dreams I’ve had since I was a child and the Moon Men were my imaginary playmates of strange lights and craft in the skies. The dreams have continued through the years, with only the location changing, typically my Grandmother’s house in N. Georgia or the house I grew up in, in SC, but sometimes I’m not familiar with the location in my waking life, but I am in my sleeping world. These dreams have increased dramatically since Hurricane Katrina and as I watch the headlines for sightings of strange lights and the like and see more and more, my stomach becomes tense.

The second set of dreams started in the summer of 2002, interlaced with dreams of my son’s pending death and they always follow the same pattern. There is a bright light in the sky and people are changed, I use the word zombie, but understand not like the zombies we have come to know in the movies, these zombies look just like us and act like us, but the difference is on the inside, nearly imperceptible. The first dream was the longest and ended with me racing the zombies to retrieve a radio from a cemetery. The dreams made little sense and only served to put me on edge, until I began reading about HAARP, the GWEN towers and chemtrails.

Sitting in the backyard on the anniversary of my son’s death, I was watching the planes leave trails in the sky and I was talking to God or my son or the birds, whoever was listening and a couple things dawned on me. Things are occurring right here in the states under our own noses, while we are looking to the skies, seeking salvation from aliens or Jesus, a big plan is underfoot by the powers that be and we are being distracted. We are being gridded and mapped, studied and scrutinized; we must remember the government is at least 30 years ahead technologically than we are told. I wrote in my journal on that day that three things were going to occur in the states and I divided them by region. I predicted illness in the south, weather in the west and some type of destruction be it bomb or earthquake somewhere else in the states, perhaps the middle of the country.

Evidently a lot of lights are being seen in the skies of NC and I have noticed a lot of illnesses being reported on our evening news, with warnings to stay out of the emergency rooms, the “cruise ship” virus is currently being talked about in Greensboro, a couple weeks ago it was red measles. Also on the late news night before last, an elementary school had 410 absences on the same day; the school only has a little over 700 students. And the Christmas snows in Denver certainly made the news as thousands were stranded in that creepy Denver International Airport.

So as usual I have no answers, only more speculation and questions. Are the conspiracy theorists correct and we are being marked for destruction by some global entity? Are the Christians right and we are on the brink of the Second Coming? Are the New Agers right and we are about to meet our galactic neighbor? Or is it a combination of all the above? Until next time, what are you dreaming?

Love and Light

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Journey

On our journey, we must remember not to attach ourselves to one idea too strongly; if we cling too tightly we will remain on that step of the staircase. We must remember to continue following the threads of truth past where others have stopped, secure in their knowledge, we must continue questioning.

We must remember that although the truth is hidden in plain sight our eyes are still adjusting from the shadows in the valley. We must remember that fear is the illusion that clouds our vision. It has been said that we should fear no evil on our expedition through the fun house and that is truth.

On our journey, we must consider all possibilities and those outside of reason deserve the most consideration. The walls we perceive in our waking lives or the walls we see around others cannot hamper our search. As the crabs in the bucket will always be pulling at our feet, we must kick free of the limiting confines of that enclosure.

We must remember that the future is as close as our next thought, if that thought is fear-based, then so will be our future. We must remember to stay positive, the powers that be want us to feel fear to strengthen their future, but our positive energy is ensuring our own future glory.

We must remember to take time to listen to our own quiet voice and take no opinion except those that harmonize clearly with our own sense of perfection. We must remember that although the media projects worlds of terror and fear, Jesus said that heaven is spread out upon the earth and men do not see it, choose to see it.

On our journey, we must remember to breathe and trust that the Universe (God) wants to see us succeed. The Universe (God) understands the challenges we have undertaken in entering this mirrored world of delusion and lies. We must remember our spirits understood the trials, designed the struggles and left us signs along the way to remember God. As we awaken to this new reality we must be gentle with ourselves, we are a tender bloom in a magnificent world we can not yet conceive and the old world is designed to pull us from the healing light that assists our growth.

On our journey, we must take time to create, to connect with the flow of the divine that runs through us. We must remember to seek beauty and connect with nature, even if it’s simply watching the birds from our window. We must remember that the power to heal ourselves comes from the inside, not outside of us. We must remember the duality of life on earth and hear the duality in the words of those seeking to lead us. And above all else, we must keep our inner eye focused on the completion of our creation.

Love and Light